View Full Version : Raw Shooter essentials: wierd color cast

2nd March 2006, 01:17 PM
I downloaded Raw Shooter Essentials after purchasing an Olympus SP-500UZ. I was dissapointed to find my raw files took on a purplish cast and have not been successful in resolving the problem.

I like raw shooter and hope someone can help me.

Of course I am assuming my Olympus SP-500UZ is supported by RS essentials.

I also found some discussion on this forum a while ago that other users have similar problems with the Olympus E series cameras. Has this problem been addressed/resolved. Is it unique to my camera or set-up?

Thanks for any help.

Jim Lawrence

4th March 2006, 07:30 AM
I do not think that RSE supports your camera. Older Oly issues have been resolved. of course we are always improving cameras and colors.