Master Index - Advanced Features
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The Archive Creator Master Index allows you to add Indexes from previous Archive Creator Sessions, as well as HTML Photo Indexes created in other programs such as Photoshop, Breeze Browser, Thumbs Plus, etc.  
Adding an Index from a previous Archive Creator Session - Insert the CD or DVD that contains the index into an appropriate drive. Go to the Verify Page and click on the "Add to Master Index" button. Then proceed in the same manner as when adding the current HTML Photo Index.  

Adding an Index created in another program - Any HTML Index can be added to the Master Index by simply copying the folder that contains the Index to the MasterIndex folder. The only criteria is that this new folder contains a file called "Index.html", that is the master page for this index. The name of the folder will become the entry in the Master Index file.  
In order to have this new Index become an entry in the Master Index, use the Regenerate menu item in the File Menu within Archive Creator.  
Changing the names of the Master Index entries - At any time the folder names of the Indexes within the Master Index folder can be renamed. The next time the Master Index is Regenerated, these new folder names will become the entry links in the Master Index.