Detailed Guide - Archive Page Options
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After the processing is complete in the Process Page, the CDs may be burned to complete the archive process.  

When the Burn button is pressed the Process Page is replaced by the Burn Page.  


As you can see it shows the 4 CDs that have been prepared to be burned.  
The next step would be to select the Archive Target from the target pull down menu  
There are several targets available  
·DVD/CD Media-Creates a normal Data CD or DVD  
·ISO 9660 Files-Creates one or more CD/DVD Image Files that can be used by other software to burn the actual media.  
·Folder-Creates an archive to a folder on one of the system drives.  
Archive to DVD/CD Media  
Select the DVD/CD media target. You will see the archive options shown below..  
·Select the CD/DVD Burner if you have more than 1  
·Select the burn speed (it will default to the top speed allowed by the burner/media)  
·Whether or not to Cache Files to Hard Drive Before Writing CD (write the CD ISO image to disk..not available for DVD) before burning each CD. In some cases based on disk speed, computer speed, fragmentation of the disks, etc., this option may allow for faster burning of the CD. It is generally required if you are using a drive that does not have Burn-Proof Technology. It is always better to set this option to ON. It can produce a better burn, with or without Burn-Proof Technology. With it, there is less reliance on resorting to the Burn-Proof Technology which will make the disk easier to read on a wider variety of drives in the future. Without it, you will be able to archive using faster burn speeds, before encountering an Under-run error, which renders the disk a coaster. So unless you are pressed for time, we recommend always setting the Cache Option ON.  
·Test Write (CD Only), rather than a real write. This goes through the motions of writing the CD to ensure that the computer and disks can keep up with the CD burn speed selected. It will issue Buffer Under-Run Errors (if they occur) just as if you were writing to the CD. So this allows you to test the through-put of your system without wasting the physical CD.  
·Use Burn Proof (CD Only) – This should always be checked if it is available on your CD burner. It allows the computer to fall behind the needs of the CD Burner, and not cause a fatal error which would otherwise occur. Always use a Burn-Proof drive if you can. With Burn-Proof (or QuickLink or similar technology) enabled, you can do other work on the PC without running the risk of causing an Under Run error while burning. This allows the act of burning CDs not so painful as you can be surfing the web or doing email or other simple tasks while the CDs are burning. The burning of CDs does take a lot of processing power, so do not expect to work in a processor intensive program at full speed.  
Note: Some drives do not allow the selection of their Burn-Proof Technology to be turned on or off. In some cases there will be a check mark that cannot be turned off, and in some cases the option will be grayed out even though the feature is in place and turned on. This is a function of the particular drive and we have no control over it. You will know if the Burn-Proof Technology is working if the Drive Buffer goes down to 0% and the disk continues to burn.  
·Verify Level –  
o   Off – This Cancels the verify process that is otherwise done automatically after a CD is burned. The CDs can be verified later using the Verify page, but we strongly recommend that you do a Full verify on each CD that you burn.  
o   Quick – This checks to see that all files appear in the CD table of contents with the correct file size. It does not check the integrity of the data.  
o   Full - A full byte for byte comparison is made against the Source files. Every bit is checked for a 100% match of the files on the CD vs. the files on the HD. We recommend this setting.  

Archive to ISO Image:

Archive to ISO image allows you to create ISO9660 image files instead of burning the media directly. This allows you to burn these images using a different burning application if you wish.  
The only option here is the output folder. In the example above, you will end up with 4 files in this folder, 2004_Photos1.iso to 2004_Photos4.iso.  
No verification is available in this mode, however, once the disc is burned from the iso image, you can insert the disc, go to the verify page and run a post burn verify. As above, you can still add these archives to the master index.  
Archive to Folder:

Archive to Folder basically copies all archive files, including the entire html index to an alternate location. There are only two settings for this option…The output folder and verify level (the files can be verified after coping).  
The output folder selected will become the "Root" Folder for all archive sets. All files that would have normally been burned to disk will now be copied to a folder named after the archive set volume name located under the root folder . For example if the archive volume name was "Photos" and it consisted of 6 discs, if you were to Archive to Folder there would be created 6 folders under the root, Photos1-Photos6, each containing all of the files that would have been on the volumes themselves. When archiving to a folder target, the archive can still be added to the master index as before.  
Archives to folder can be verified after the fact just like CDs or DVDs. Just go to the verify page …  
and select the verify src to the root folder and pick your folder to verify.  
If you wish to build an "Unlimited Sized Archive" there is an option on the File Selection page in the Target Media Size combo box called 'Folder'…  
Selecting 'Folder' removes any size limitations for the archive session. This will allow you to create a single archive volume for the archive session.  
When archiving to a folder, and the folder already exists, you will be prompted with a option box with the following options…  
You can also set up auto defaults for both normal as well as direct burn settings on the Direct Burn options tab independently. in the main preferences tab….  
Select Which Discs to Archive

The next step would be to select what you want archived. You can check or uncheck any of the Discs to keep them in the burn process or not. This is useful if a CD/DVD burn fails and you wish to come back to burn it again. The lowest numbered disc that is checked is always the one that is burned next, and then they are burned in sequence.  
Start the Archive

To begin the archive process, insert black or erasable media if needed and press the Archive button. The archive process will begin.  
Additional Options
·Burn data only -When this is selected, no archive creator files will be written, this includes the index, archive setting and archive contents files. Only the source files will be written. NOTE: This disc will not be able to be fully verified in the future since there are no Archive creator system files on the Media.  
·Burn HTML Index Only - When checked, this will burn the first disk checked (Using its volume name) and write only the HTML index onto that disc. This is useful if you have already created an Archive Set, and want to have an extra Index disk, to give to someone or for an additional Index for another location. If additional disks are checked, the burn process will continue with those disks, as usual. This option only affects the first disk burned, and would usually, just be used to burn an additional Index disk. Do not use this option to have the Index on a separate disk from the Archive set, as the source files on the first disk burned will be missing. Instead, choose the proper disk option in the setup page. The purpose of this option is just to allow the burning of an additional Index disk, without having to re-process the Archive Set.  
Burn screen after burning with the Index Only Option..  
·Archive Bit Management - To help in managing what files have been or need to be archived, Microsoft file systems support the notion of a flag associated with each file that indicates if the file "needs Archiving". This flag is actually a' bit ' in a status 'word' attached to each file called the Archive Bit. Any time a file is created, modified, or moved the flag is set indicating that the file "Needs Archiving". Backup and Archiving programs can optionally make use of this flag to keep track of which file should be backed up/archived and which should be ignored. Typically a backup program will clear the "Needs Archiving" flag after it has backed up the file.  
NOTE: The "Needs Archiving" flag is not used exclusively by Archive Creator. Other backup and archiving programs can make use of this flag and change it's state. If you are using other software that manages the "Needs Archiving" flag (Archive Bit) you need to be very careful in relying on this mechanism to manage your archive.  
The ability for Archive Creator to "Ignore" previously archived files can be enabled as a special "Archive File Filter" on the setup page.  
When archiving, the "Clear 'Needs Archiving" option, when set,will automatically go through the files that were just archived and clear the Needs Archiving bit. It does that after verification if enabled or when the archive is done if not.  
In addition, you can manually manage the Archive Bits for the Archive sets or collection as a whole. To do so, while on the archive page, go to the file menu and select Manage Needs Archiving Bits or hit the Manage Archive bits button….  
You will see a small dialog. From here you can either set or clear the bits for all files in the archive sets. This function operates off of the Archive Page collection list (list showing all the archive sets in a collection with the CD icons and check boxes next to them). By checking discs on that list and using this dialog you can Set or Clear the archive bits on the files represented on those archive sets.  
·Check/Uncheck ALL Context menu - You can check and uncheck ALL the discs, by Right-clicking to bring up the context menu which allows you to check or uncheck ALL the discs. You can then selective choose those which you wish to burn.