General Preferences
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Here are the preferences and their meaning when checked...  
File Selection Tree Options  
·Skip Network Drives - Mapped Network drives do not show up in the File Selection Tree. This is useful because scanning for these drives takes time and when the option is set, the tree will load much faster when the application is launched, or the Tree is refreshed.  
·Skip CD-ROM Drives - CD-Rom drives do not show up in the File Selection Tree. This is useful because scanning for these drives takes time and when the option is set, the tree will load much faster when the application is launched, or the Tree is refreshed.  
·Skip Removable Drives - Removable drives do not show up in the File Selection Tree. This is useful because scanning for these drives takes time and when the option is set, the tree will load much faster when the application is launched, or the Tree is refreshed. In some cases a USB or Firewire drive will be categorized as a removable and in some cases not. So this will vary from drive to drive and system to system.  
·Auto Load Last FSL- When AC is launched the selections in the File Selection List that were in place the last time AC was shot down will be re-set upon the launch of AC.  
·Save FSL Only at Session End - The FSL will only be saved when AC is exited. Other wise if the option is not set, the FSL will be saved when the Process Page is entered. By setting this option, you can always return to the FSL from the last time AC was run by selecting Load Last FSL from the File menu. So this functions as an undo, in that you can make changes to the FSL and return to the way they were in your last AC session.  
·Show Image Preview on Highlighted Node - When navigating through the tree, a preview image will be show for each file that is highlighted as you use the arrow keys to navigate, If the option is not set, only if you click on a file will the preview image be displayed. This is useful if you have a lot of large images that take a long time to display, as they will only be loaded when you specifically click on the filename  
Root Folder Selection  
·Use Lowest Common Folder (LCF) - AC will use the Lowest common folder that it can find based on the selections in the FSL. This eliminates folder paths within a drive that are common to all files in the drive. It organizes the files in a more compact format if it is possible. When unchecked, the CD will exactly match the folder organization of the Hard drive within each Source_d folder. Click Here for an example using the Lowest Common Folder  
·Allow Manual Selection - This is a very advanced function that allows you to pick a specific LCF within the paths that exist on a drive by drive basis. it is not yet described yet in the help file. This option should generally not be set unless you have specific needs for it.  
Workspace Index Folder  
·Set - This allows you to set the folder where the workspaces are stored. This setting defaults to C:\Program Files\ArchiveCreator\Workspaces.  
Master Index Folder  
·Set - This allows you to set the folder where the Master Index is stored. This setting defaults to C:\Program Files\ArchiveCreator. This is a per workspace setting. Each workspace can have a separate master index or on can be used for all.  
Action when archiving to folder and folder exists  
When archiving to a folder, and the folder already exists, you will normally be prompted with a option box to decide what to do. These setting allow you to pre-select the action that AC will take.  
Misc Options  
·Auto Correct Joliet Naming Exceptions - The CDs that AC produces adhere to the Joliet naming standard so that they can be read on a wide variety of platforms. In those cases where a filename does not conform to these standards, AC will automatically change the filename. An example would be a filename that is longer than 64 characters would be truncated. If this option is not set, these exceptions would still be trapped, but a dialog box would be displayed allowing you to accept the correction that AC proposes, or make you own new name. In addition, you can manually select the max length allowed for file and folder names.  
·Auto Begin Processing - This allows the Processing to begin as soon as you go from the Setup Page to the Process Page. If the option is not set, you will have to press the begin processing button. If you normally like to go back and forth between pages to look at the layout tree or for other reasons you may want to not set this option. Otherwise it should be set to make the process as simple as possible.  
·Make Media AutoRun if Index is Present - This adds special files to each CD so that when they are inserted into a drive with auto-play enabled, the index will automatically be opened in the default browser. If the option is not selected, or there is no index on a specific CD then the autorun files will not be added.  
·Media Wait Time - Normally this can be set at the default setting of 6 seconds. With some drives this value should be reset to a higher number. The symptoms that would show up to indicate this need is when a blank CD or DVD is inserted and AC reports that the disk is not blank, or other various burn errors. This is caused by the drive not having enough time to properly mount the new media and it sees the drive not being ready to write or verify the newly inserted media. If this is the case, increase the Media Wait time until you get reliable results. This will vary from drive to drive and according to the Windows version. If you have any burn problems, as a first trouble shooting aid, set the Media Wait Time to 15 seconds to eliminate this as a cause of the problem. When the problem is solved, this setting can be lowered to a setting that provides reliable results at all times. This will vary from system to system and drive to drive.  
·Don't Eject after Burn- This will prevent the system from opening the CD tray after a burn was completed. When selected, the tray must be manually opened. This will prevent the tray from being left open for extended periods if the operator is not present when the burn is complete.  
·Use ASPI Layer for Windows NT/2K/XP - In some systems AC will be more compatible with the drive and system by using what is called the ASPI Layer. This is a system level interface to the drives that burn the CDs or DVDs. This options should be tried if there are problems in burning discs. It will take effect the next time that AC is run, so you must exit AC and then restart it for it to be in effect. Up to date ASPI drivers must also be present on your system. Details about using the ASPI layer can be read about by clicking here.  
·DVD High Compatibility Mode - Some older DVD drives will not read discs that have less than 1GB of data written on them. With this preference checked, each DVD that is burned will be filled out to 1GB even if the data that has been selected is less than 1GB.  
·Burn Priority High - With this option checked, the Archive Creator program is assigned a High priority within Windows. This assures that the PC processor spends the maximum amout of time working on AC processes, which assures the best burn integrity. The downside is that if other applications are used, they do not receive a lot of processor "time" and therefore can run in a slow or chunky manner. By unchecking this option, AC receives the "Normal" processor time, and other applications will run more smoothly. The downside is that with less time being given to AC, the chance of Under-Run errors (on CD drives without under-run protection) is greater, which might result in a coaster. With drives that have Under-Run protection, more "burn-proof" gaps or links might be written, which makes the disc harder to read and therefore less robust as an archive. With DVDs or if other applications are not used, these issues are less important. So in general, it is OK to disable this option if you have a drive with under-run error protection, your system is fast enough, and if you do not use other processor intensive applications during a burn.  
·Smooth-Burn Buffer - Archive Creator has a special memory buffer that in effect extends the small buffer that is found on CD and DVD drives. By using the AC Smooth-Burn buffer, better burn results can be achieved. Guidelines for setting the proper amount of memory are presented when you click the Smooth-Burn buffer. If you have the available memory in your PC, the buffer should be set as high as practical, while adhering to the guidelines.  
File Selection User Shortcut Paths  
On the Setup page tool bar are User Selectable Shortcuts buttons  
The User Selectable shortcuts can be configured to go to any preselected folder on any mounted drive. The target of the shortcuts can be configured here.