HTML Index Construction Settings Tab
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HTML Index Construction Settings Tab  
Contains settings pertaining to construction issues of the HTML index, such as if we should show the title bar, image names etc in the index.  
This Tab has several sections....  
Title Frame  
Navigation Frame  
Main Page  
Thumbnail Pages  
Viewing Pages  
The Following are examples of the Index pages and features....  

Title Frame  

·   Include In Index-Unselecting will remove the title frame from the index (NOTE: not all styles look good when disabled)  
·   Include Date, Title Line, Description Line, Misc 1-2, Icon - Unselecting will remove these text fields. Some Styles will reduce the hight of the title frame automatically when lines are removed and there is no icon selected.  
·   Link- Many of the text fields and Icon allow you to associated a normal, secure, ftp or mail link with them. Just enable the appropriate option and enter the link text (must be preceded with the associated link type identifier.).  
·   Select Icon File- This will allow you to use a different Icon file for the icon in the upper left corner (currently the Archive Creator Icon). The new icon should be no larger than 75 pixels to ensure proper fit. The reset button will return the icon selection back to the original Archive Creator Icon.  
Navigation Frame  
The navigation frame can be turned off, in addition, the name line of the archive set that appears under the CD icons can also be turned off  
Main Page  
The Archive collection name on the top of the main page can be turned off. This is useful if you are generating a index not relating to an archive, for example to upload to a web site.  
Thumbnail Pages  
Many aspects of the thumbnail display can be disabled. These are mostly self explanatory.  
Limit Thumbs on main page-This option will limit the row of thumbnails that will appear on the main page of the index. It doesn't not have any effect on the other thumbnail pages, just the "root" page of the index. (not all indexes will have thumbs at the root page).  
Min Rows for new Page- In the thumbnail settings section of the Contents tab, you can specify the number of rows of thumbs per page. So if you have that set to 10 rows and you have 21 row of thumbnail, you will get 3 pages, the last with 1 row. To avoid having sparsely populated pages, the setting can be used to set the minimum number of rows required to start a new page. If this setting was set to 2 then in the above example, there would be only two thumbs pages created, the second with 11 rows.  
Viewing Pages  
Many aspects of the viewing page display can be disabled. These are mostly self explanatory.