What is Written to the CDs - Real World Example
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This example was created to show in the real world what the previous example (here) described in text. It shows the relationship of the original files to be archived, the various screens within Archive Creator, and finally the resultant file structure on the Archive Set CDs.

Hard drive:

As Viewed In Windows Explorer:


As Viewed In the Archive Creator File Selection Tree (FST):
Note that 1 click on "Photos" in each drive is all that is required to select all the folders and files beneath them.

As Viewed In the Archive Creator Layout Tree ("Lowest Common Folder" Preference Off): You will see here that the full path from the Root will be represented in the archive, even though there are no files archived in the Photos or Personal or Clients folders.
As Viewed In the Archive Creator Layout Tree ("Lowest Common Folder" Preference On): You can see here that the root folders that have no archived files have been removed from the archive automatically. This is a preference that can be turned on and off. The Preference can also be set so that a manual selection can be made for the root folder.

The Archive Creator CD As Viewed In Windows Explorer ("Lowest Common Folder" Preference Off and On):
Note that will LCF off (first example), there are no image files in the root of the cd since all files retained their relative folder structure off the root of the source drives. In the second example, LCF On, the photos in the root of the vacations folder ended up in the root of the CD since the least common folder function automatically removed the empty path folders above it.  
The Archive Creator HTML Index As Viewed In the Internet Explorer ("Lowest Common Folder" Preference Off):
The Archive Creator HTML Index As Viewed In the Internet Explorer ("Lowest Common Folder" Preference On):
Note that the photos in the root of the CD appear in the "Root" page or main page of the HTML index.  
Clicking on any folder path brings you to the Thumbnail page for that folder (if a Thumbnail Index was selected):  
Clicking on any Thumbnail brings you to the Viewing Image for that Image file (if Viewing Images was selected):