3 Simple Steps - Setup
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1 - Select whatever files and/or folders you would like to include in the Archive Set. You can select any amount of files or folders and you may select across drives. This selection of files is known as an FSL (File Selection List) and represents the files that will archived to the Media. You may filter the list by file extension using the Archive File Filter or by archive bit (to select only those files that have not already been archived ***)..  
Note: You can click on any filename to preview the image. (Most image types are supported. Jump to: Supported Image Types)  
2 - Decide if you would like an HTML index of the entire Archive Set burned to each archive media, or select it to be burned to just the first or last CD/DVD or to a separate CD/DVD. This index can contain just filenames, thumbnail images, or thumbnails and preview images. You can set the specs for the thumbnail and preview images. The bigger and higher quality they are the more space that they will take up. You can also filter image types to be included or excluded from the index using the Index File Filter. (This is a separate filter from the Archive File Filter).  
3 - Select the target type of the archive. The archive can be created to reside on CDs, DVDs, or to another mounted hard disk on you system. Alternately, when archiving to CD or DVD Archive Creator can generate ISO-9660 Image files of each CD/DVD. (ISO-9660 Image files are basically exact image copies of the contents of a CD or DVD and can be used by most other burning programs to burn directly to the media).  
4 - Fill in the appropriate names and data that will show up in the index. Also enter the Archive Set Name that will become the Windows CD Volume name that will show up in the file system when you mount the CD later in Windows. You can also select how you would like the Media to be named and numbered, with each set starting with its own numbering sequence or it can continue from a previous sequence.  
Jump to The Archive Set CDs  
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