Detailed Guide - Setup Page
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After the splash screen appears, AC will scan your system drives and then will display the above Setup Page. You can set in the Options | Preference to skip network Drives and/or CD drives in the tree, which results in much faster scanning of the system when the system is scanned upon startup or if you refresh the tree.  
There are 4 sections in this page.  
·File Selection Tree (FST)  
·Workspace Selection  
·Tabbed Setting pages  
File Selection Tree (FST)  
The File Section Tree (FST) is used to select a list of files known as the File Selection List (FSL). This FSL represents the Archive Set that will be archived during this Archive Session. FSLs can be saved and loaded from the File menu, so that a previous FSL can be loaded into the tree. Also the Last FSL can be loaded into the tree from the File menu. Checking a Folder checks (selects) ALL the folders and files below it. Selections may be made across drives, as well. There is really no limit to the specifics of an FSL. It can be 1 file or 1,000s of files.  
You can also use conventional Windows Shift-Click and Control-Click to highlight groups of files within the same folder, and then use the context menu (Right-Click) to click, unclick, or toggle file selections.  
Toolbar Buttons  
The toolbar buttons provide shortcuts to assist in managing and navigating the File Selection Tree except for the last one, Estimate Disc Usage, which is explained below.  
Collapse the file selection tree  
Refresh the file selection tree (useful if you insert a new removable drive, for example)  
Clear Selected files  
Go To My Documents  
Go To My Pictures  
User Selectable Shortcuts  
The User Selectable shortcuts can be configured to go to any preselected folder on any mounted drive. The target of the shortcuts can be configured from the General tab of the preferences dialog (access from the File Menu).  
Disc Usage Estimation  
While in the Setup Page, if the Estimate Disc Usage button is hit then AC will create an estimate of the number of discs and the HTML Photo Index size that will be required for the File Selection set that is currently selected. After this estimate is displayed, you can either proceed with the processing of the Archive Set, or return to the Setup Page to make changes. The estimate is shown on the Process Page like this..  
(Note that the only way to get the actual size of the Archive Set and how many discs it will use, is to do the full Processing of the Archive Set).  
Workspace Selection  
Workspaces are complete archive session snapshots. When ever you are using AC, you are working in a Workspace. All settings, Options, Image Cache files, Processing state and Archiving State are saved in the workspace. One or more workspaces can be created and switched between however only one workspace can be active at a time.  
Workspaces are great for managing Customers, projects or even just to have different option sets for different archiving needs. For instance, lets say you have several customers, you may want each customer to a unique looking html index, with a customer specific ICON in the top corner of the index. You can create a workspace for each customer, setup up html options, volume name options, file filter options etc and each time you need to create an archive for a customer, you just open the appropriate workspace and all the settings are restored. Even better, lets say you created a 6 disc archive for customer A and are in the process of burning that archive…say 2 discs into the 6. Then you need to create a quick archive for customer B. You don't have to wait for the next 4 discs to finish burning before you do the archive for customer B. Simply stop the Customer A archive session, switch to customer B's workspace, do your work there and when done, switch back to Customer A's workspace. Go to the Archive Page uncheck discs 1 and 2 (since they were already completed) and continue burning Customer 1's discs.  
   For details on Workspaces and their use see... Workspaces  
Archive and Index Settings Tabs  
There are three tabs, each containing settings for various commonly used options.  
Archive Settings:    Contains basic setting pertaining to the archive itself as well as a useful image preview window. This is the default tab, any time you do anything in the file selection tree, this tab will be activated automatically.  
Index Contents:   Contains settings pertaining to what content will be included in the HTML Index and the thumbnail and viewing image properties.  
Index Construction:   Contains settings pertaining to construction issues of the HTML index, such as if we should show the title bar, image names etc in the index.