Navigating the Index
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This example is based on the "Real World Example" with an additional disc added for clarity...  
Top Level Index Page  
This page is opened in the default browser when the CD is inserted into a drive that has AutoPlay turned on, or when the index.html file in the root of the CD is double-clicked.  
It shows the highest level of the entire index for all 2 disks, even though only 1 disk is inserted into the drive. We know that we are viewing the 2nd disk of the Archive Set because the 1st disk is Silver and the 2nd is Gold. However, you can view the thumbnails and viewing images from all disks directly from this 1 CD and this one page (since the Index on ALL disks option was selected on the Setup Page). If there were a long list of folders, then the disk icons in the disk frame on the left would let you navigate directly to the folders of each disk.  
You will notice that both thumbnails and folders are shown on this main page. This is because we used the Least Common Folders option and there were files in the root of our lowest common folder. These "Root" file will appear on the main page of the index as shown here. The is a separate option to determine how many rows of thumbnails will appear on the root page of the index. (Click Here for Details), in this case 2 was selected.  
Below that you will see all the other folders listed that are included in the archive. Clicking on the folders will bring you to the thumbnail view of that folder.  
In this next screen shot we have clicked on the folder from the first disk and we now are viewing the thumbnails from images that are stored on the first disk of the Archive set. You will notice that the title of the thumbnail frame has a silver disk icon, so we know that the source files for these thumbnails are not on this CD(#2), but on the 1st CD in the Archive set. We are also reminded that the CD that we are now viewing is the 2nd CD, because we can still see the Gold CD in the left CD navigation frame. Very cool! So to view the entire archive set you do not have to switch CDs!! (Assuming that the Index on all disks option has been selected).  
At the top of the Main Frame of the index you will see the name of the Archive Volume and under that the Name of the Folder we are viewing....  
If the number of thumbnails in the folder exceeds the settings for Number of Rows and Number of Columns (Click Here for Details) then AC will create multiple pages of thumbnails. In this example we have two pages as indicated along side the folder name (Page 2 of 2). Along side that are thumbnail page navigation buttons.  
These buttons will navigate the thumbnail pages, so First will bring you to the first page of thumbs in the folder, Previous will bring you to the previous page etc. The Home button will return you to the main index page.  
Clicking on any of the thumbnails will bring you to a page showing a larger (viewing) image (if enabled).  
Now we have clicked on one of the thumbnails and we are brought to the viewing image that was created from the source file. As you can see there is the same type of information that tells you about where you are and what you are viewing as well as Exif or IPTC information if enabled. You can use the navigation arrows to go to the next and previous viewing images, or back to the thumbnail index. Or you can jump to another disks folder list by clicking on one of the disk icons on the left. This will bring you to the main page, showing the folders on the disc you just click on.  
Here we are looking at thumbnails from the 2nd disk, which is the one in the drive. Notice the File and Folder buttons below each thumbnail. They are explained below.  
Here are have clicked on one of the thumbnails and are looking at a viewing image, but again since the source file for this image is on this CD, we see the File and Folder buttons.  
File and Folder Buttons  
Note: These buttons are designed to be compatible with most browsers on both the Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems. However, due to the wide number of versions of both Operating systems and Browsers, in some cases these buttons will not work as expected. However, the Archived Source files, should always be accessible via the operating system's normal file copying means, including drag and drop/  
·Folder - When this button is clicked the containing folder of the actual archived source file is opened in a new browser window. You can now drop and drag any of the source files within Windows to copy your archived files to anywhere in your system.  
·File - When this button is clicked you will get a "Save As" dialog box that will allow you to save the original archived source file (not the viewing image), to anywhere in your system, including across network drives.  
·Note: The File button works differently for different types of files. If the source file is one recognized by the browser (like a JPG), then the browser will simply open the file if you click the File button. In order to get the Save As dialog, you must right click on the File button and select "Save Target As...". You will then see the download dialog that will lead you to the Save As dialog.  
·For a file that is not recognized by the browser (like a CRW, TIFF, PSD), you can simply click on the File button  
This is an extremely simple and powerful way to retrieve your archived source files and is one of the great strengths of Archive Creator. The CDs that AC produce are very powerful tools, not just a copy of your files. And they will generally work on any Windows or Macintosh computer with Internet Explorer or Netscape, with some minor exceptions based on OS and Browser versions.