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WhiBal™ and Capture One™ at the Inauguration
55th Presidential Inauguration Candlelight Dinner at the National Building Museum

Jack Hartzman use the WhiBal™ and Capture One Pro to ensure proper color balance at the big balls.

All Photos used with permission
©2005 Jack Hartzman/MH Concepts
Catering and Table Design by Ridgewells www.ridgewells.com

Jack photographed a front row table carefully balancing the table lighting against the background lighting. Since he was shooting in RAW on his Canon 1DMKII, he used the Auto White Balance setting, knowing that he would change it in Capture One Pro using a click White Balance on the WhiBal that he would shoot after he was happy with his composition.

Note the Blue cast on the plates and napkins.

Jack photographed the exact shot after he was happy with his composition quickly inserting the Pocket size WhiBal™ into the shot. Note that a Custom WB would have been time consuming and awkward with lesser results. This is the same processing in Capture One Pro, with all setting at default. Note that the Auto WB did not produce accurate color (no surprise).

This is the same WhiBal™ shot as above after a simple click White Balance is set in Capture One Pro on the Lite Gray WhiBal™ card. Time spent: 2 seconds.

Note the Plates and Napkins now are more white and reflect the lighting from the candles, showing a slight warm cast.

This is the original photo with the White Balance from the WhiBal™ "Click WB" appled to all shots in the series producing perfect White balance. Time spent: 2 seconds. This is my (MTapes) development with all as shot settings except for the White Balance. The shot will be tweaked for the client. by Jack. This image does not represent the final end product.