What's New in Version 3
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New Feature Overview

New Image File Formats and Camera Support (see below for details) Including Canon D20, DNG and Additional Fuji support. Click Here for Details  
More reliable CD/DVD Drive support  
·Our Drive Support component continues to improve with support for more and more drives.  
New Archive Targets  
·Archive to Folder (copies files to alternate location)  
·Archive to ISO Images (for burning with other burning applications)  
Click Here for Details  
Unattended Operation  
·DirectBurn button added to automatically proceed from file selection, through image processing to starting the burn/archive process.  
Click Here for Details  
·Options added to enable Audio Notifications for User Intervention Required, Disk Done, Archive Done etc.  
   Click Here for Details  
·Options to set automatic responses for common user intervention prompts such as always erase media, Always accept suggested ISO compatible file names etc. to ensure unattended operation.  
   Click Here for Details  
Workspace Support  
·Workspaces are like having independent "Instances" of an archive session.  
· Each workspace retains its own settings, options, state and image cache. This is great for managing archives for multiple projects, customers etc.  
Click Here for Details  
Workspace Scheduler  
·Ability to schedule workspaces (jobs) to be processed at various times  
·Sits on top of the windows task scheduler  
·Options include: Load workspace only, Load and Process, Load Process, and Start Archive.  
·Scheduled Jobs Get Cued so they can be overlapped and will get processed in order  
Click Here for Details  
Command Line and DDE Processing  
·Ability to Load Workspaces with the following options…Load workspace only, Load and Process, Load Process and Start Archive as well as options for exiting when done.  
·Handy for creating shortcuts to perform specific archival tasks.  
·Drag files onto the application shortcut for automatic file selection in the File Selection list  
·Jobs submitted via command line get Cued so they can be overlapped and will get processed in order  
·There is a job processing log file that will keep a log of all jobs processed (via schedule or cmd line) and success/failure of the job.  
·Command Line and dde interfaces allow for file selection and integration with other applications like ThumbsPlusÒ  
Click Here for Details  
Archive Bit Support  
·File selection filter option to filter out files based on the Needs Archiving File system bit.  
   Click Here for Details  
·Management functions to set or clear the bits on completion of an archive session or based on previous sessions from the Archive and Verify Pages.  
Click Here for Details on the Archive Page  
Click Here for Details on the Verify Page  
Misc. Features  
·Don't eject disk after burn option (leaves the drawer in) Click Here for Details  
·DVD Burn Caching  
·Shuffle files option to allow AC to shuffle the files in a folder to improve media utilization. Click Here for Details  
·User settable shortcuts on the file selection tree for quick access to frequently used folders. Click Here for Details  
·Override Last disk on dvd burn. If the size of the last disc in a dvd archive is small enough, a cd can be used instead. Click Here for Details     
·Feature to load and save HTML index settings. Click Here for Details  
·Proper Support of Western European Characters  
·Application now saves it's size and position between uses  
·New Filtered File Selection List indication Click Here for Details  
·More control over automatically shortened names when burning to disc. Click Here for Details  
·Burn Data Only (Create a standard, non-archive disc) Click Here for Details  
All New HTML Features, Templates and Styles  
·Tons of HTML Construction Options for things like Show Nav bar, Show title bar, Image to use for Title bar ICON etc. Click Here for Details  
·Name, Description, Icon, Misc1 and Misc2 text in the title frame can now have user defined links associated with them (links can be http:// https:// ftp:// mailto: etc) Click Here for Details  
·Notion of templates and styles added, you can select between templates and each template can have one or more styles associated with it. Styles are basically user editable style sheets to define many aspects of the look of the html output. Click Here for Details  
·Archive media no longer needs the Source_C, Source_D folders anymore. Files at the root of the archive folder hierarchy will now appear at the root of the archive media and at the main page of the html index.  
·Each folder's thumbnails can now span multiple pages in the HTML index. (number of rows per page option enabled).  
·HTML Index Settings Preview feature for fast previews of html option settings. Click Here for Details  
·Viewing Images allowed to go as high as 1600x1600 (previously limited to 1000)  
·Ability to clear the index image cache to force a regeneration of cached images. Click Here for Details  
·IPTC Table available in index with user defined field filtering. Click Here for Details  
·Original Folder names that were shortened to adhere to the iso 9660 standard are displayed in the index for reference.  
·HTML Settings moved to main window for easier access Click Here for Details  
·First, Last, Prev and Next navigation on thumbnails and viewing pages. Click Here for Details  
·High Quality Drop Shadow feature added Click Here for Details  
·Allow Upscaling Of embedded thumbnails if smaller than viewing image size. Click Here for Details  
·New Raw Image Handling Functions Click Here for Details