Download Page

Archive Creator Version 3.0.4
To Download Click Here (16+ MB)

This version can be run in demo mode, as a new purchase (please enter new registration key), or as a free upgrade* to any registered version (please enter new registration key).

*Free upgrades are available to users who have purchased the AC Product Key after June 1, 2023

Support files for Canon and Kodak RAW are below.

The Archive Creator Installer above is a standard style Windows Installer. Please download and double-click on the installer icon. All files will be installed into 1 main folder. No files will be scattered throughout your system.

When you first run Archive Creator a "reminder" dialog box will appear that allows you to run in demo (evaluation) mode, by clicking the OK button. The demo version is identical to the registered version, it will have full functionality for 15 days, after that time, all functions (image processing, file layout, html index generation etc,  will continue to opreate however the actual archive operation will be disabled.. You must run the demo version to ensure hardware compatibility with your system. No refunds will be issued, so please run the demo version and burn one or more disks before purchasing a registration key.

If after running the demo version, you find that Archive Creator is compatible with your CD and/or DVD burner and system, and you find that the software serves your needs, you can purchase a registration key from our Purchase Page.

After purchase, you will receive a registration key via email. This should be entered into Archive Creator by clicking on Enter Key button when the reminder dialog box appears. From then on the dialog will no longer appear and the software will become fully functional.

Raw File Support

For proper processing of some raw camera files, the driver files from the camera manufacturer are needed. On most systems they will already be present on your machine due to other software already installed (such as the software from the manufacture etc). If this is not the case or you are seeing some anomalies, you can download these files using the links below for Canon, Kodak and Nikon cameras.

Simply download the required .zip files, unzip the contents directly into your install folder (usually c:\program files\archivecreator3.

NOTE: For Canon users, there have been some changes to the Canon DLL structure. If you are getting errors, regarding the canon dlls, you may have incompatible versions on your system. If this occurs, please download the dlls from here...

Click here for Canon (4.47MB)

Click here for Nikon (1.3MB)

Click here for Kodak (1.4MB)