Archive Creator OnLine Help
Archive Creator Help File (click to expand)
What Is Archive Creator?
Why is AC Useful?
What Problems Does AC Solve
AC vs Other Programs
Quick Start Guide
3 Simple Steps
Detailed Operation Guide
3 Basic Operations
Setup Page
Archive Settings Tab
HTML Index Contents Settings Tab
HTML Index Construction Settings Tab
Preview HTML Settings
Process Page
Preview HTML Index
Archive Page Options
Basic Burning of CD/DVDs
MDS Burn (Mulit Drive Seqential)
Archive Status and Reporting
The Archive Set Discs
HTML Index
Navigating the Index
HTML Templates and Styles
Advanced HTML Index Features
The Verify Page
Direct Archive
File Distribution for Digital Asset Management Archiving (DAM Buckets)
External Control of Archive Creator
Command Line Interface
Drag and Drop
DDE Interface
COM Automation Server
Integration With Other Applications
iView MediaPro3
Thumbs Plus
What is Written to the Media
The Media Layout
A Text Based Example
Real World Example
Using The Master Index
Advanced Features
General Preferences
Direct Archive Preferences
Sounds Preferences
MDS Burn Preference
Comments and Observations
CD Burning Hints
DVD Media Guide
What's New in Version 3
Whats New in Version 3.5
System Requirements
Drive Compatability
Preventing Under-run Errors
Supported Image File Types
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